Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jesus' Calling

Matthew chapter 25: 35-36
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

These words that Jesus has shared, are instilled in my mind
Is it to hard to show that you cared, or to even be kind
We're so caught up in our own lives, and the things we want
That when an opportunity arrives, we act so nonchalant
When will we turn our eyes upon Jesus, and look to humility
If we found ourseleves in Jesus, Our lives will show stability

I'll tell the story of a young girl
Who's eyes shine brighter than pearls
Her parents have been thrown into jail,
With not a chance for bail,
because they had followed the wrong trail
What did this young girl do to deserve this
Now the bliss that had once shown in her smile,
has turned in to a frown full of grief
If only there was some type of relief,
that could take away the pain,
thats left nothing but strain
She needs to find something to gain
I can't imagine the thoughts of her mind
What does she think of all of this
I hope that she may find
A reason to live, away from this mess
Her only hope is for her to find Christ
To be shared through love in some way
So that her precious life won't be thrown away
If you took a small portion of your time
To invest into her life,
Maybe you could help take away some of the strife
Take a look at her life
Is she worthy of just a little love
Who knows what just a little love may bring
she may begin to hear the birds sing,
And be able to see the gift of spring
Remember that it is not about yourself
What is it that you can do to help another out
Would it really hurt you to give up some time
And to share a little love
With a beautiful young girl
Who's life is filled with anger and grief
It's not about you, as Christ said
So find yourself in Christ,
And not the desires that continue to fill your head
Think of the impact that Christ will poor through your life.

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